Well, there's a bit of a story behind this one! Got up this morning, and my internet was down again (think the router's on its way out). So I opened up my PSE and thought I'd start my Sunday Creative page. Then my brain skipped back a day and remembered the orbs I'd been looking at at Digital Design Den. So then thought I'd have a play first! Of course, me being me, I didn't open up the instructions I'd d/l yesterday! I just had a play myself to see what I could come up with. First of all I used Snickerdoodle Designs by Karen Tree Bark Styles on just a filled layer. Then I added various effects and filters that come with PSE, and changed the colour until I was happy with it. Then I formed my orb. I loved the effect I had, and thought it looked a bit like the Earth. So then I used the colour replacement tool to add in green and some pale brown, some light rendering and voila!
Then I got to thinking that the round, full shape of the Earth fitted with this week's Sunday Creative word prompt - Shapely - nicely. So I then found a quote that I liked and reduced the opacity so it didn't detract too much from the space scene!
So, I ended up with a rather different page, but one I'm really pleased with!
Oh and I find it looks better from a distance...you get the full effect of the darkness within the b/g more that way!!
Bernie x
Tree Bark Style from Snickerdoodle Designs by Karen available at Digital Design Den HERE!
Paper: Eskimo Kisses by Victoria (Chirpi) Designs & Juno Designs - Collab.
Various effects and filters from within PSE.
Love how your 'creating' lead you in a round about place and then back again to what you started to do in the first place. And somewhere along the way we ended up with a similar theme for 'shapely'. :)