Saturday, 12 September 2009

Scra It Sassy CT Los for Crystal's Inspired kit

I had such fun creating these Los that I couldn't stop at 2!! here's the link to the store for the kit.. . There are lots more beautiful b/gs and elements in there that I haven't used yet, and the tones within the kit are gorgeous! As you can see, the kit was great for a variety of subject matter! I loved the determined look on the face of my DN Megan-Elise as she went over the jump!
The middle LO has Megan-Elise with my 2 DDs and DH in one of the rowing boats at Hever Castle. We visited the Castle gardens in the summer holidays, and it was the first time for about 35 years that DH had rowed a boat! he did really well though and got them over to the far side of the lake and back again!!
The top LO is one especially for Megan-Elise! She's got a few days left till she takes the Kent Test. For those who don't know, it's a test that parents can choose for their child to take if they want them to go to one of the Grammar Schools locally. Megan-Elise's mum, and I went to Clarendon House Grammar School for Girls, and now my eldest DD is there too, and Megan-Elise is going to take the test as well, as will my youngest, Evie, hopefully. It's quite stressful though as not a lot of the test is about what they have learnt in their years at school. It's as much about learning how to do the test as having the knowledge! The outcome of the test is always a worry as anyone can have a bad day, so I just wanted to say to Meg to have faith that she will end up where she belongs!
Family News: Not much to say really! We all survived the first week back at school - although already I'm stressing a bit about Evie, as she has apparently been sat next to and partnered up with a little boy who seems unable to sit still or concentrate or even be quiet. He has over the past few days taken most of the things she possesses in school and even pieces of work she has done, and even torn corners off her work. I'm giving it a little time before I speak to the class teacher about it, as I'm hoping the seating arrangements will change shortly once skill levels have been ascertained by the new teacher, but if not, it will mean the first 'discussion' of the new school year!! Always such joy!
Bernie x

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous Pages Bernie, fingers crossed for Megan :)
