Wednesday 2 December 2009

JYC Day 2

Well, there's not much to say about the weather in Margate tbh! We do pretty well actually, and nobody else that I have spoken to wants snow here at all!!! But every year, even though I know there is absolutely NO chance of it happening, I secretly wish for snow in Margate! And not just the half a cm we get if we're lucky (and it's more likely to be in February, March or even April nowadays, than December). Oh no! I want the snow that comes up to your knee caps and makes it really hard to walk, LOL! Snow you can actually make soft snowballs from, not the hard balls of ice that we have to make do with as there's so little snow and it's so mushy!!
Oh, and I'd quite like a nice camera that can cope with freezing conditions and batteries that won't die after 5 mins!!!! but as Shimelle said, that's another day's prompt!!!
Have really enjoyed myself today making these entries!
Again, I used template and stash from Aimee Harrison/Girlboheme Studios and stash also from Gothic Inspirations and Dawn Inskip. TFL!
Bernie x

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